Friday, 11 December 2020

Wednesday, 9 December 2020

Wednesday, 16 September 2020

What Now Recount!

         What Now!

What is “What Now?” Hmmm, What Now is a really awesome show in New Zealand! And on Sunday 13th of September my class and I went to Shantytown to be on What Now

Wait, how did all of this start? Well at first we were just asking about a fun day at school. One of my friends suggested Go-Kart racing which I thought was cool but the next day we were given these pieces of paper then we were told that we were gonna  go on WHAT NOW! So that is how it all started. 

The first thing we did though was practice the first scene. So the train pulled into the station and Eeran got out to welcome us to shantytown. We were meant to walk out of the carriages and go into the station. We did that 3 times until we were ready to go live with the rest of the country. 

After that we did was go to the fire station and we were playing 

Say it don’t spray it”.  It is a game where you say a tongue twister and if you get it wrong you get gunged!  

Then we went to a gold panning place and started gold panning for a bit. After that we went to the movie theatre and we just walked out looking as if we had just the worst movie of all time.   

My favourite part was when one of our teachers got gunged with an entire bucket of gloopy, slimy gunge. The game was called “Gunge the teacher” 

So basically if the teacher got a question correct we got gunged in this weird foam and if she got a question wrong she got a bucket full of that weird slimy gunge.

I was like a snowman but made out of gunge. I thought that it was really fun because I have never touched gunge and when I was little I had always dreamed of going on “What Now!” Then when we started to leave we got gifted each one bottle of the slimy gunk that got our teacher! 

When everyone was on the way out I had my gunge in my hand and I just thought, “Ya know what, I am just gonna pour all of this gunge over my head.” My hair felt weird for 3 days. For my experience of the show I think it was a slippery and slimy challenge. 

(Go-Karts would have been fun though) 


Friday, 14 August 2020

Conservation Poem

                      Conservation Poem

Factories blow 

Environments slow 

Cars start 

Waterways stop. 

Koe chirp 

Trees are cut down. 

Ships can see clearly 

Ice melts more clearly 

Buildings are built 

wetlands are destroyed

New wildlife resorts are restored 

Wildlife outside are retreating. 

Rakau whai hua 

tilts slightly from a blade 

so does the earth. 

Some people make the earth a better place, some really don’t. 


Thursday, 13 August 2020

Thursday, 23 July 2020

Maui's Journey

We learnt about Maui's Journey around the South Island. 
Then we mapped out some of his journey. (below) 
WALT: understand some of the important stories to 
Māori culture and to our local areas. 
Success Criteria: watch the story of 
‘Māui’s arrival in Maitahi/Mahitahi’ and discuss as a class what we learnt in this story. Here is the link to the video about this: ttp://https//">

Wednesday, 22 July 2020

Friday, 3 July 2020

Thursday, 25 June 2020

Artwork for life in lockdown

Problem Solving

My Short Story

                                         The most best day of a pandemic

 When Flynn first landed in New Zealand he didn’t even know what a kiwi was and didn’t know what kia ora meant! Flynn was from the United States of America from the state of North Carolina but he had moved to New Zealand when he was ten. Later on a huge pandemic happened called the COVID-19 pandemic. Flynn had to stay indoors for most of the time but coped with it because he had a huge room full of research about New Zealand and it’s amazing wildlife. The third day of the lockdown Flynn looked outside his window and there were twelve kingfishers/kotare on the fence. He gasped, “I have never seen any real kingfishers before!” On that same day during the lockdown he saw a baby hawk/kahu come right of the blue and sit outside his window. He was amazed how different the hawks were in New Zealand compared to the U.S ones especially with the colour of their feathers and beaks. When Flynn looked out his window again he saw three kiwi. Two of them just looked like two little fluff balls just disappearing through a big berry bush across the paddock . He later found out that there was a huge totara tree behind there and they had dug a foxhole-like home under the huge tree. Flynn decided to keep away because he had only just learnt that the kiwis were native to New Zealand and endangered. “I wonder what's about to amaze me outside?” Flynn went outside on his bike. Down the road he saw a colourful tui singing a very catchy tweet as if he was on “Britain’s got Talent”. He saw two very playful fantails in a kowhai tree chasing each other as if they were playing tag! On the way back to the house Flynn said, “Well, this is the most best day of a horrible pandemic!”


Tuesday, 23 June 2020

Thursday, 11 June 2020

Meet and Greet

WALT: Greet, farewell, and acknowledge people and respond to greetings and acknowledgements. Introduce oursleves and others and respond to introductions.

Tuesday, 2 June 2020

Friday, 15 May 2020

My Artwork for Digital Arts

This is my artwork for 
digital arts.

Friday, 8 May 2020

Wednesday, 6 May 2020

Saturday, 2 May 2020

Monday, 30 March 2020

Wednesday, 18 March 2020

What you can't do with money (Poem)

What you can’t do with  money

You cannot 
stop a dog from barking

stop a car from crashing 

stop a person from breaking a bone

stop a plane crashing
stop a truck from clashing 
stop a nuke from blowing up
stop someone from puking
You can not change the past but you
         can change the future.                               

Monday, 9 March 2020

This is just to say (Parody)

                                                               "This is just to say"
                                       By William Carlos Williams and Flynn Swinburn

                                    I have drunk the coke that was
                                    in the icey cold fridge and which
                                    you were looking forward to drinking
                                    tomorrow For running around the bach…
                                     Forgive me we were so thirsty and sugary.
                                  So I AM NEVER DOING THAT AGAIN!

Friday, 6 March 2020

Thursday, 5 March 2020

Sea Week Scavenger hunt

Name: Flynn Questions Worksheet Fact Card#1: How does water move on the surface of the ocean? _The water is _constantly _moving on the surface____________________________________________________The water moves in a form of wave._________________________________________________________ Fact Card#2: How does water move below the surface of the ocean? _____The water the ocean is constantly moving Below the surface___________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ Fact Card #3: What are the two types of ocean currents? __High tide and low tide______________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ Fact Card #4: Define ocean currents. __Ocean currents are moving streams of water within the ocean. ______________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ Fact Card #5: Define the ‘surface current’. ___Currents that move on or near the surface of the ocean is called surface._____________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ Fact Card #6: List the factors which control the surface currents. _________Three factors that control the surface currents are air currents, Earth’s rotation and location of continents_______________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ Fact Card#7: Which factors affect the flow of ocean surface water? ___which factors affect the flow of ocean surface water?_____________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ © 2015 by Brilliant Classes Name: _Flynn _______________________________ Questions Worksheet Fact Card#8: How are deep currents generated in the ocean? __Diffrence in the water density due to the tempature gradient moves the water and creates the deep currents.______________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ Fact Card#9: Write down the characteristics of cold and warm water. Cold water is more dense and it sinks and moves. Warm wateris less dense and it rises up.________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ Fact Card #10: Which ocean currents travel more faster? _________Surface currents travel much faster than deep ocean currents._______________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ Fact Card #11: Write the factors that cause the deep currents. _________Deep ocean currents are caused in the temperature salinity how the (how salty the water is) and density of the water.______________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ Fact currents? Card #12: How do the Sun and the Moon cause the ocean ________The gravitational pull of the moon and sun is also an important factor to cause ocean currents.________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ Fact Card #13: Give the definition of wave. _Rythic movement_______________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ Fact Card#14: What are the causes of waves? ___Waves are caused by wind, earthquakes and gravitational force of the sun and moon._____________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ © 2015 by Brilliant Classes Name: ____________________________________ Questions Worksheet Fact Card#15: List the characteristics of a wave. __Wavelength,wave height,x2 crest and trough parts of a wave.______________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ Fact Card#16: Write the parameters on which the wave height is dependent. _ ___1.wind speed 2.Distance over which wind. 3. Length of time the wind blows____________________________________ ________________________________________________________ Fact Card #17: What happens during tide? _The water comes in and out when it is high tide or low tide._______________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ Fact Card #18: What do you mean by high tide? __High tide is when the water comes up more than usual.______________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ Fact Card #19: What do you mean by low tide? ______________Low tide is when the water go out more than usual.__________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ Fact Card #20: How does the Moon’s gravity pull ocean water? _The moons gravitational pull towards the earth cause a tidal pull so it can control the water tides._______________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ Fact Card#21: What is the cycle duration of high/low tide? The high tide goes in then comes out and then turns into low tide._____________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ © 2015 by Brilliant Classes Name: Flynn____________________________________ Questions Worksheet Fact Card#22: Define tidal range. __A tidal range. High tide and low tide are 2 diffrent things.______________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ Fact Card#23: When does spring tide occur? _Spring tides happen when the Earth, Sun and Moon are in a line. _______________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ Fact Card #24: Which tides occur during full/new moon? ____A king tide.____________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ Fact Card #25: When does neap tide occur? _Neap tides occur when the Moon and Sun are perpindicular to eachother._______________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ Fact Card #26: Which tides occur during quarter moon? ____A neap tide.____________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ Fact Card #27: Which tides are known as weak tides? Why? ____Neap tides are weak tides because of the gravitatinsl forcesof the Moon and Sun contract.____________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ Fact Card#28: Which tides are known as strong tides? Why? Spring tides are strong tides because the Moon and Sun’s Gravitational force combine to create a strong tide. _______________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________ © 2015 by Brilliant Classes